Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hello my wonderful people!
I apologize for taking so long!
I have pretty much forgo-ed
the new year posting :)
one similar to it may come later :)
I frankly haven't been in a mood
to blog lately
or had anything that wonderful
to write about.
I am still dealing with some difficult things
in my life that are fresh on my mind always.
But I felt like I should share this one with you.
Kind of continuing with what my
"When The Time Comes" post said,
I found a new song that can put where
I find myself in perfect words.
Even as I write this,
I am listening to it
Over and Over again.
It's called Masquerade,
Sung by Seventh Day Slumber.
(my friend Charisse lent me this CD
and I have fallen in love with this song,
Thanks Charisse :))
but please listen to it.
Its not a popular song but it is wonderful.
here are the Lyrics:
"I don't know what to think about me anymore,
Cause I am still the same as always.
Here I am again, that same old broken man.
I can't make it on my own.
I need You.
And I am not afraid of anything anymore.
And I am not ashamed, the masquerade has ended.
And I will stand for You even if I lose it all.
Cause nothing really matters,
You are all that matters, Lord.
As messed up as I am, still You bring me in.
You take me in Your arms and hold me.
The worthlessness I feel, You make it disappear.
You are always there, You're endless.
I don't know what to think about me anymore.
Cause I am still the same as always."
(I have this song in one of my playlists...
thats the only way i can link it to here for you to hear it :))
Lately, I have uncovered a sort of inner monster.
I have realized that I believed
the indescribable worth I can find
In Christ alone,
was something i only believed in my Mind,
and not my heart.
I have let the words of people
penetrate my heart
or even the lack there of,
(kind of a
"if you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything"
and it has become a poison.
it has affected how I react to people
and even how I react to compliments.
I have let it tear me down.
At this point,
I am looking to my Loving Savior
to make the change.
To help me find this worth in my Heart
To fight these years of bitter poison in my heart
and let Him reign.
I believe we all wear masks at times.
This is my preverbial "end to the Masquerade"
I admit that I am messed up
I admit that I don't have it all together.
I admit that I don't know who I am.
I admit that I am broken.
I admit that I am fighting worthlessness.
But I am not alone.
I have my Savior who Delights in me.
Only He can win this horrendous battle within me.
I know this doesn't seem quite
Joyous or perky
but rather depressing,
but My Mask is off
and I want true Healing.
Will you take off your mask as well?
I have found that true fellowship and companionship
comes when the Masks are off.
When tears fall from our eyes.
when we want no one to see us.
when we are Ashamed.
When we are Real.
So to you,
I come Unmasked.
I would appreciate your prayers.
I have never been so grateful
for the people God has so
Wonderfully and Marvelously placed in my life.
I know it is by no mistake.
as Paul Says,
"I thank God in my rememberance of you."
I am so thankful for you.
In His Healing Love and Grace,
Amy :)


Bill and Debra said...


I love you willingness to be so open! For many years in my salvation I knew the "mask" far too well. I knew the thought knowledge of the Awesomeness of God and yet not in my heart. I had to do the same thing you are doing now: cry out to Him.

He answers those kinds of prayers. He will give you a burning in your heart you have never had. Stay close to God's Word and the Voice Of Truth. I sought my security for many years in so many other things and realized how wrong I was.

Christ is my Security.... without Him I have no security at all. No wife, no job, no material thing can give me security. For too many years I sought security in those things. He is your Source. Those years you were raised as a believer in Christ have shaped you for a time as an adult where you face these crisis's of faith. You dig for more. Keeping digging.

You are growing. Your words cleary state what is in your heart. Christ is growing in you for you never would have had those words, that revelation without the Holy Spirit's voice speaking to you. In other words this is a time of Joy!

We are praying for you....


Uncle Bill

Anonymous said...

Amy I understand the heartache you are going through and you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I am trusting God to encourage you and lift you up. He does it far better than anyone else! I love you so much and my desire is that you can see the Amy we see - full of love, mercy, faith, funny, great to talk to, trustworthy, compassionate I could just go on and on. Remember always that we love you, and we are extremely proud of the beautiful young woman God is molding you to be. Love you much, Aunt Debbie